In the middle of the coldest winter on record, an EMP destroys the nation's power grid. No electricity. No cars or phones. Worst of all: No heat. The country is plunged into instant chaos. But for twenty-six-year-old Riley Sheridan, it's the best day of her life. For the last four years, she's been the captive of a sadistic psychopath--until the EMP releases the lock of her prison. Battered but not broken, she emerges from her underground cell into a hostile winter landscape with no way to call for help, no vehicle that will drive, armed with nothing but the clothes on her back and her own determination to survive. Cynical loner and ex-soldier Liam Cunningham is headed nowhere fast. He believed he was prepared for any disaster--until the EMP took everything he'd ever cared about in a matter of seconds. When he runs across a woman on her own, a fierce, desperate woman who doesn't want his help but will surely die without it, he's forced to make a choice.