"Inspired by the history of the British "brideships," this captivating historical debut tells the story of one woman's coming-of-age and search for independence. Tomorrow we would dock in Victoria on the northwest coast of British North America, about as far away from my home as I could imagine. Like pebbles tossed upon the beach, we would scatter, trying to make our way as best we could. Most of us would marry, some would not. All of us hoped for a better life than we could ever have found in England. From the rigid social circles of Victorian England to the lawless lands bursting with gold in British Columbia's Cariboo, The Brideship Wife takes readers on a mesmerizing journey through a time of great historic change. Based on a forgotten chapter in history, this is a sparkling debut about the pricelessness of freedom and the courage it takes to follow your heart."-- Provided by publisher.